Muestra Reciente
Houston Fine Art Fair 2015. Houston. Catálogo.
Curador. Andrés Badon
Oleo sobre tela. 30 x 40 cm
Desde el mismo hueso. No8.
Oleo sobre tela. 30 x 40 cm
Desde el mismo hueso. No3.
Oleo sobre tela. 30 x 40 cm
Desde el mismo hueso. No5.
Oleo sobre tela. 50 x 60 cm
Oleo sobre tela. 50 x 60 cm
Oleo sobre tela. 30 x 38 cm
Intento pintar como Velazquez,
pero con la textura de la piel de un hipopótamo.
Las obras de arte no son ventanas hacia otro mundo sino objetos.
Oleo sobre tela. 20 x 28 cm
Oleo sobre tela. 20 x 28 cm
Principio de encubrimiento
Oleo sobre tela. 20 x 28 cm
Oleo sobre tela. 18 x 24 cm
Oleo sobre tela. 20 x 29 cm
Oleo sobre tela. 20 x 28 cm
D'Amen's work is the result of a very subtle conceptual layers going overlapping each other to reach a culmination of a remarkable complexity.
The first instance is the portrait of one of the characters inspired in those that populate the canvases of the seventeenth-century European masters such as Rembrandt and Velázquez. The second layer is a transparent texture that deforms, fuses and confuses the traits of this character as if it was presented behind a frosted glass, translucent. The third layer is a black plane entering either from one side of the perimeter of the canvas or installed into a key site for the sole purpose of covering part of the face of the character. The last layer is a blackish atmosphere that unites all transforming the portrait into a ominous apparition.
These layers appear systematically making the portrait something increasingly impossible from a scholarly point of view and creating a strange feeling that keeps us hopelessly away from the character in an unspeakable distance, a distance that, as Lacan would say, belongs to that place where only the dead and the gods speak, a place that is to us both a mystery and a privilege. That place of obscurity where lies the deeper understanding.
And it is clearly a privilege to be in that space provided by D'Amen, who just by deforming these layers, these layers that hide parts of faces, allows us to decipher the contents of the hidden portrait, the true portrait that is deep, psychological and perhaps a mirror of ourselves.
Andrés Bardon
Oleo sobre tela. 12 x 36 cm
Oleo sobre tela. 24 x 30 cm
Oleo sobre tela. 24 x 30 cm
Oleo sobre tela. 80 x 120 cm
Oleo sobre tela. 80 x 120 cm
Oleo sobre tela. 80 x 120 cm
Oleo sobre tela. 24 x 30 cm
Oleo sobre tela. 68 x 26 cm
Principio de compensación
Exposiciones individuales y participaciones
Galería Lagard. Argentina
Individual. 1993
Galería Leonardo Avalos. Argentina
Individual. 1998
Galería Leonardo Avalos. Argentina
Colectiva. 1998
Salón McDonalds. Argentina
Mención Especial. 1998
Salón SAAP. Argentina
Mención de Honor. 1998
Art from Argentina in New York. USA
Galería EuroAmérica. 1999
Encuentro con la nueva realidad Argentina.
Design Center Buenos Aires.
Perugia, Italia. 1999
ArteBA 2000. Argentina
ArtExpo New York.
Feria. 2000
ArteBA 2001. Argentina
International Shanghai Art Fair 2001.
Feria. 2001
Arte Córdoba. Feria Internacional.
Feria. 2001
V Salón Internacional d'Artistes
Contemporanis Independents. Barcelona
Feria. 2001
Kitay Gallery. Tokyo 2012
Spring Street Studios. Houston. TX. 2013
Houston Fine Art Fair 2015. Houston. TX 2015
Oleo sobre tela. 20 x 30 cm
Oleo sobre tela. 24 x 30 cm
Oleo sobre tela. 68 x 26